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Mini Lesson for Classes 1-5

Hello Artists, parents and guardians! Welcome to a new year at Bel Air Elementary. I'm extremely excited to be teaching art this year from the first grade level to the fifth grade level. As a form of communication, I have labeled the Mini Lessons I will teach this year projects per grade level. Because of the new STEAM setup in the art room, students have the opportunity to create the mini lessons I teach or create their own project.  I hope you will enjoy the student work through out the year, I always do!

Primary Colors: Names made with tissue

Self Portraits: Realistic or Abstract self-portraits

Pinch Pots: Clay pinch pots

Color Mixing: Students learn how to mix primary colors to make other colors

Native American Art: Birch Bark Canoes

Joan Miro: Surrealistic Art


Secondary Colors: Orange, Purple and Green shadow art

Caves of Lascaux: Cave Drawings

Self-Portraits: Clay

Landscapes: Patterned Art

Henri Matisse: Tissue/Stained Glass Windows

People in Motion: Draw Bending Bodies

Cell Phone Art

Organic/Geometric Shapes: Pizza's or Desserts

Clay Fish: Clay

Self-Portraits: Collage Art

Color Wheels: Tree Art

Color Mixing: Hand Art

Zentangles: Pattern Art

Textile Art: Felt production

Tessellations: Optical Illusions

Mexican Oaxacan Sculptures: Clay

Architecture: Biodegradable Packing Peanuts

Bracelets: Patterns

Pop Art: Paper Mache

Northwest Indian Totem Poles: Sculpture/Cardboard/Paint

Vases: Clay

Self-Portraits: Pastels/Colored Pencils

Value: Shading techniques

Surrealism: Forced Perspective

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